Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Guitar 1
Electric Guitar (muted]


Electric Bass (finger]


Lead Guitar
Electric Guitar (muted]
Don\'t you wan-na live. I get up, run through the world like a fire. Heat it up. I swim in the flames of de-sire. Chase it if you care, take it if you dare. Its there in the air. An-swer to the gun, dance in the sun, run, boy, run. Run for your life. You\'re mo-vin\' on and on and on. The art of sur-vi-val is a-tur-nin\' me on. And I\'ll be cha-sin\' it all night long. I said, all night long. Cha-sin\' it all night long. Cha-sin\' it all night long. I get out, I roam through the streets like a ti-ger. Let it out. I swing like a bird on a wire. Ev-\'ry where you go, ev-\'ry-bo-dy knows. Oh, don\'t-cha know, Ev-\'ry-thing you do, a-ny-bo-dy knew, they\'re all on to you. Fight for your life. You turn it all a-round. The art of sur-vi-val is-n\'t get-ton\' me down. And I\'ll be cha-sin\' it all night long. I said, all night long. Cha-sin\' it all night long. Cha-sin\' it all night long. Yeah! Run for your life, you\'re mo-vin\' on and on. The art of sur-vi-val is a-tur-nin\' me on. Cha-sin\' it all night long. I\'m cha-sin\' it all night long. I\'m cha-sin it all...